Writing A Company Report Capsim Andrews
Company Report – Writing A Company Report Capsim Andrews
Name of the company: Andrews
Products: Able and Apple
Products’ segmentation: Able (High Tech Segment) and Able (Low Tech Segment)
Capstone Component 1: Executive Summary
The Balanced Scorecard Excerpt for the 8 years
The company kick started its first year very well. In the first year of its operation, there was a lot of realignment and adjustments that needed to be done so as to allow for products positioning and segmentation. The only products was Able, a low tech segment product. The other product that was later added was Apple on the extreme segment, high tech segment.
Figure 1: Balanced scorecard Excerpt
Performance in year 1 or round 1
The company had very low profits in year one. This is because the company was very busy mobilizing and recruiting so as to allow for proper production. The leverage read around 1.7, and this is because most of the resources had not been fully utilized, and were at the level of mobilization. The contribution margins and the plant utilization recorded at this level are very low and this is as expected.
Figure 2: Year/Round 1 performance
Performance in year 2 or round 2
There was an increased level of profits though minimal. This is because the company has already started producing products and selling to the market. The company still has high operational costs due to recruitment of the human resources and operators. Additionally, once the products are produced, marketing and promotions had to be budgeted for. The company adopted 80hrs training policy for its staff and would later adopt this till the final round, due to introduction of its high tech product Apple.
Figure 3: Performance at round 2/year 2
Performance in year 3 or round 3
The company has realized more profits and at this point the expenses are still going high due to improvements on production and quality. The products are moving across the segments while adjusting themselves. The company has also improved its internal processes and is starting to operate more profitably
Figure 4: Performance Round 3/year 3
Performance in year 4-8 or round 4-8
The company increased its profitability and growth through round 4 to 6, or year 4 to year 6. Then , the company dropped its performance in the last two rounds. This was because there was a lot of funds and resources required to maintain production of the Apple product. This led to decreased profits than expected but the company could counter this through continued reposition of the product, increased marketing. The company could also pull through by lowering the price for Apple and funding TQM section to match the market demand.
Current Position of the Andrews company in Capsim
The company had quite a great grip control over its inventory and inventory management in early rounds, round 1, 2 and 3, however, towards its eighth year, the company had some sizeable amount of inventory. This can be attributed to the fact that the company produced high tech segment product Apple which was moving slowly across the market due to limited fund to push for its marketing and automation at the time.
The company closes its eighth financial year with no financial debts or emergency loans and this shows that the company could still operate profitably going forward. The expenses and the operation costs of the company were catered for by the profits realized from sales of the two products Able and Apple.
Figure 5: Round 8 Analysis Excerpt Table
Stock price
The company also recorded an increased price in its stock. At the end of the eighth financial year, the company’s stock price red $4.28. This can be attributed to the fact that the company was able to pay of its debts and clear of any loans, and still make sustainable growth. The company utilized well its assets, plants and equipment in production of its products. The company also developed favorable dividends policy that saw the shareholders benefit from their contributions.
Contribution Margin
The contribution margin of the company at the end of the eighth year was remarkably at 48.7%. The most recommended contribution margin for is usually 30%, and this is usually at around mid-performance level. Andrews company C.M therefore being at 48.7%, shows a great potential growth towards company growth in terms of profitability, and sustainability.
This can be directly be attributed to increased sales revenue, and reduced operational costs that come with labor costs, direct materials costs and the inventory carry costs.

Strength of the Company
Andrews Company has been able to maintain a great control over its inventory costs and costs of financing. It has also been able to open markets for Able and Apple products, which have a great demand in the local and international markets. Another strength is that the two products being manufactured have no substitutes or copies in the market. This makes them highly priced in the market.
Weaknesses of the company
The company had incurring production costs that increased over time while revenue grew at a stable rate. It is because of this that the company was unable to maintain or gain profitability until it started its inventory management and control processes. Another weakness would be the dropping of market demand on Apple product which led to decreased profits in the last two rounds.
Opportunities for the company
The company could explore other high-tech segments, which have a large demand in the market. The company could also focus on product differentiation and marketing so as to increase sales revenue.
Threats to the company
The increased competition from companies that produce low-cost substitutes for the company’s products is a major threat to the company. The other threats are global recession which could lead to decreased demand in high tech products and finally, natural disasters that could affect production.
The company should consider moving into new high-tech segments as this will increase sales revenue and maintain profitability. Secondly, the company should focus on product differentiation and marketing in order to increase sales revenue. The company should also put in place measures to control production costs and inventory costs.
The Future of the Andrews Company
The future looks bright for Andrews Company. The SWOT analysis shows that the company has a high market demand, and also no competitors in its segments of Able and Apple products. With this, the company will be able to focus on product differentiation e marketing so as to improve sales revenue. Andrews Company should focus more on product innovation rather than production incurring costs. The company should also, consider moving into high-tech segments with large market demand to increase sales revenue and maintain profitability.
The future for Andrews Company seems bright since the company is not limited by any competitor; it can focus on product differentiation and marketing in order to improve sales revenue. The company should implement ways that will reduce production costs and control inventory costs.
Ethical, Legal, and Social Challenges.
The company has faced a few ethical, legal, and social challenges in the past. The main one was the dropping of market demand on Apple product which led to decreased profits in the last two rounds. In order to combat this, the company should focus on product innovation rather than production incurring costs. The company should also consider moving into high-tech segments that have large market demand in order to increase sales revenue and maintain profitability.
The ethical, legal, and social challenges faced by the company include the dropping of market demand on Apple product which led to decreased profits in the last two rounds. The other challenge is global recession which could lead to decreased demand in high tech products. The company should consider moving into new high-tech segments as this will increase sales revenue and maintain profitability.
The company should also focus on product differentiation and marketing in order to increase sales revenue. Finally, the company should put in place measures to control production costs and inventory costs. These challenges can be addressed by the company.
Global Considerations.
The future looks bright for Andrews Company. The SWOT analysis shows that the company has a high market demand, and also no competitors in its segments of Able and Apple products. With this, the company will be able to focus on product differentiation and marketing so as to improve sales revenue. Andrews Company should focus more on product innovation rather than production incurring costs. The company should also, consider moving into high-tech segments with large market demand to increase sales revenue and maintain profitability.
But before expanding globally, Andrews Company should focus on the ethical, legal, and social challenges that may arise from the international market. The company should also focus on product differentiation and marketing in order to increase sales revenue. Finally, the company should put in place measures to control production costs and inventory costs. These challenges can be addressed by the company before it decides to expand globally.
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Capstone Component 2: Professional Reflection
Overall, what was your capstone experience like?
It was a new experience that was very challenging at the beginning. The capsim simulation was a very unique learning simulation that I had never heard of before. It gave me an opportunity to project my theoretical business management and strategic decision making skills into practical aspect. I realized that there are a lot of factors to consider when setting up a business and there are various phases that a business must go through before it starts realizing its goals and objectives.
The simulation ran from one to round eight. The first three rounds were very confusing since this is when the company is in its initial stages and processes. There is allot of human resources recruitment and hiring in this process as the company needs resourceful and skillful workers to run its management, administration and operations. In the first three, there was production of high tech segment product Able and the low tech segment product Apple. The company had low profit margins due to the fact that, the company was re-investing its profits, identifying creditors while still pumping some money to its sales promotions. The company was also purchasing more machineries to increase production capacity.
Round four is when the company starts realizing its goals and objectives. However, of two products that were being produced, one had high profit margins while the other had low profit margin. This became a problem since every time the company would be investing in high tech product, it was not able to meet the demand for it and as a result, the company was not able to realize its profit potential.
The actual profit margin of high tech product Able was far above that of low tech product Apple. However, there were more expenses associated with high tech product than that of low tech product that is why the actual profit margins were different. In order to increase production of high tech product, the company would need to purchase more machineries and incur other additional expenses.
In round five, the company merged with another business which had the same problem as them. They produced two products where one had high profit margins and the other had low profit margins. This created a lot of problems for the company since they were not able to meet the demand for high tech products. They decided to merge with a new company that also had this problem and combined resources, knowledge and skills together in order to realize their goals and objectives. The company had to buy some 400, 000,000 units of the low tech segment products so that it could start utilizing the already underutilized resources such as the machineries and the human resources. The product, Apple, didn’t make any profit at this stage but its revision date being set on the following year, the company was able to kick start its production.
In round six, the company increased its production of high tech product but was still not able to meet the demand. The sales promotion for the high tech segment product had to be reduced as it was not. This was a difficult decision to make but it was necessary in order to increase the production of high tech product.
In round seven, the company increased its production of high tech product and met the demand for it. However, this came at a cost of low tech product where the company was not able to meet the demand at all and almost no units were produced.
At this point, high tech segment product Able made a lot more profit than that of Apple. However, there were not many units of Apple manufactured due to lack of sufficient production capacity and resources which brought down the actual overall profits.
In the final round, the company increased its production of high tech product and was able to realize its profit potential. The company had high profit margins for both products and was able to meet the demand for it. This is when the company was actually able to generate revenue and realize its goals and objectives.
The overall learning from this simulation is that it is important to innovate new products rather than just sticking with the same one. It may be difficult at first but once you are able to generate revenue from it, you will realize that its worth the effort and resources put into it.
The company learned that it was more profitable to invest in high tech product Able rather than investing in low tech product Apple. The company was able to increase its production of high tech product and that allowed it to have a lot more money for itself as well as make the customer happy.
The management also realized that they should always invest in products with higher profit margins rather than those products with low profit margin. It would make them not only meet the demand for it but also be able to generate a lot more profit.
Reflect on your experience performing the Capsim simulation.
The simulation has helped me understand the importance of having a good business plan, setting goals and objectives, being able to meet the demand for the products that are being produced, maximizing profits while minimizing losses and the importance of team work.
The company was not able to meet the demand for high tech products because, they were not able to produce it at a low cost. In order to produce high tech product Able, the company would need to purchase more machineries and incur other additional expenses.
How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
I will apply what I have learned from the Capsim simulation in my future academic and professional life by being more efficient when it comes to making decisions, setting achievable goals and objectives, utilizing resources properly and working as part of a team.
The Capsim simulation has been a very helpful tool in understanding how businesses work and I would definitely use it in my future career.
How did you demonstrate effective business communication in both this capstone course and throughout the business core program?
I communicated effectively throughout both this capstone course and throughout the business core program by being able to convey my thoughts, concerns and questions in a way that was not only understandable but also did not hinder the performance at all. I was able to coordinate the human resource, equipment, production procedures, marketing and ensured were harmonized before taking any decisions or actions.
How will you utilize these business communication skills in your future classes here at SNHU and in the working world after graduation?
I will most certainly use these business communication skills in my future classes with SNHU. I believe that they are extremely important to maintain a healthy work environment where people can freely share their concerns, thoughts and questions which only help with the betterment of the company.
I plan on utilizing what I have learned in my career by being able to make sound decisions, setting achievable goals and objectives, maximizing profits while minimizing losses, working as part of a team and communicating effectively. These are essential skills that every business person should possess in order to be successful.
Reflect on your experiences with peer-to-peer and peer-to-leader collaboration in this capstone course.
I was able to effectively collaborate with my peers in this capstone course by being able to communicate and work together in order to achieve common goals. I believe that it is important for people to be able to work together and understand what each person’s role is within the team so that everyone can be successful.
I was able to collaborate effectively with my peer-to-peer by being able to communicate and coordinate ideas while achieving the same business objectives.
Reflect on your experience working collaboratively in this capstone course and throughout the business core.
Throughout my experience within both this capstone course and throughout the business core, I had the opportunity to work with a group of people from different backgrounds. I believe that every person brings something different to the table and it is important to be able to learn from other people in order to make better decisions throughout your career.
In conclusion, capstone courses help students reflect on the knowledge they have acquired while earning their degree and how they can apply it to their future careers. In my case, the Capsim simulation gave me a taste of what it would be like dealing with real-life business decisions and allows me to understand how important communication skills are throughout every job.
How has peer-to-peer and peer-to-leader collaboration influenced your performance and decision making in this class?
Peer-to-peer and peer-to-leader collaboration has influenced my performance and decision making in this class by allowing me to communicate with others, learn from their mistakes and be able to work together in order to achieve common goals. I believe that it is important for people to be able to work together and understand what each person’s role is within the team so that everyone can be successful.
I was able to effectively collaborate with my peers in this capstone course by being able to communicate and work together in order to achieve common goals. I believe that it is important for people to be able to work together and understand what each person’s role is within the team so that everyone can be successful.
I communicated effectively with my team members in order to progress towards the same business objectives.
Working collaboratively has helped me learn more about what I am capable of doing while also gaining knowledge of what it is like to work with others. It is important to be able to work together in order to achieve common goals and be successful.
Reflect on establishing and maintaining a professional business etiquette in both this capstone course and throughout the business program.
I was able to establish and maintain a professional business etiquette in this capstone course by being able to work with my peers while communicating necessary information. It is important for people to treat others with respect and understanding, especially when dealing with business matters.
In conclusion, effective communication skills can help employees understand their role within the team and what they can do to be successful. In my case, effectively communicating with others has helped me progress towards the same business goals and understand how important it is to work well together in order to achieve success.
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